Support The Willow School
An accredited school with SACS/CASI
The Willow School is an independent, non-profit 501 (c) 3. As such, the school is eligible to receive tax-deductible donations.
Willow relies on unrestricted financial support from donors like you. These donations help us to fund our immediate priorities which include:
day-to-day operations
purchases of equipment and technology
fund long-term projects (such as becoming an accredited private school and conducting a capital campaign)
Donations are vitally important to the operations of The Willow School. These funds are a critical source, counted on by the faculty and administration to enable the school to provide enhancements for all aspects of our program. Some of our recent fundraising fundraising efforts have enabled us to:
Purchase a 48 passenger school bus
Offer over $10,000 in Willow scholarship monies for returning families
Install a new playground and play structure for our preschool program
Erect a large canopy creating an outdoor classroom and eating area
In addition, donation funds allow us to bridge the gap between tuition revenue and what it really costs to educate our students. Please help us with your generous support.
The Willow School is registered with the Department of Education and is in compliance with all of their requirements. This enables us to participate in Florida’s scholarship programs such as the Step Up for Students scholarship, a low income fund, and the McKay Scholarship fund for children with an Individual Education Plan. Additionally, Willow is always looking to improve our school. To this end we are currently exploring becoming an accredited private school.
The Willow School conducts an annual giving campaign. We also publish regular newsletters to keep our donors up to date with all of the exciting events going on with our school. If you would like to learn more about:
being a part of this fantastic organization
Willow becoming an accredited private school
learning more about a quality education
or if you have questions and would like further information, feel free to call or email us at:
772-770-0758 or E-mail info@thewillowschool.org.
Matching Gifts
See if the company you work for might double your donation to The Willow School today!
In fact, hundreds of corporations and organizations match the charitable gifts of employees to non-profit corporations. This means that your employer will make a donation to your nonprofit as a result of your contribution.
In the United States alone, about 10 percent of all corporate philanthropy is through matching gifts, and about 1 in every 10 gifts to a nonprofit is eligible for a match!
Most corporations will match gifts made by their employees to educational institutions such as independent schools, hospitals, health-services organizations and other nonprofits. Typically, a company has a maximum limit to matching gift funding during a single year.
Corporate matching gifts are also not only for one year. It is an ongoing program. This means that you can double your gift every school year!
Most companies and corporations love to participate in this program because the company is listed as a donor and can then report to the community that they and their employees are supporting great non-profit efforts such as The Willow School here in Indian River County.
In addition, you get to see your donation doubled!
Please inquire with your company to determine if they have a matching gift program. Typically, you will need to contact your company’s human resources department. They should provide you with a matching gift form. Then simply complete your brief section of the form, enclose it with your gift, and Willow will do the rest. This independent school in Indian River County appreciates it!
If you need additional help, feel free to contact our office. We will be glad to help you learn more about matching gifts and be involved in any way we can.
Gifts in Kind
Another way to support The Willow School
Gifts In-Kind are donations that Willow receives of products, time and services. By law, gifts of time and services can be donated but are not eligible to receive a tax deduction. However, products given to the school may be acknowledged and each can be honored with a tax deduction of “fair market value.”
Willow relies on gifts In-Kind throughout our school year to help us with our program. We have many volunteers who donate their time and talents to support our school. In addition, we receive many products that help support both our daily school program as well as our fundraisers.
We currently receive gifts In-Kind in a myriad of ways that includes:
Buddies – We frequently have a crew of volunteers who work one-on-one with our students in reading and can provide extra help as well.
Helpers – Oftentimes volunteers enjoy working in the classroom helping to support the teacher in conducting a lesson.
Office work – This can include providing support with photocopying, filing, phone calls and other general office tasks.
Professional Services – We are grateful to currently receive donated accounting services, pro-bono legal counsel, construction help and more.
Fundraising efforts – Many volunteers have helped us create fabulous fundraisers for our Willow school program. Donations from professional party planners, caterers, sommeliers, and auctioneers have helped us create memorable events!
Errands– We have dedicated support who are happy to run errands for us around town.
Bags & Bubbly – We also receive many beautiful donations for our annual spring luncheon. These typically include: handbags, purses, jewelry, scarves, and other accessories.
Annual Giving
Willow's yearly fundraising campaign
Annual giving is a fundraising campaign that Willow conducts each year to solicit donations by mail from family and friends, both locally (Vero Beach) and out of state to all of our private school contacts.
Donations are an integral part of helping Willow remain a sustainable private school. Donations also help the school keep tuition affordable by helping us cover the gap between what the tuition is and what the actual costs of educating a child are.
Many Willow families are struggle to pay tuition and ask the school to help by providing supplemental scholarship money. Willow is able to do this in part from monies we raise by conducting an annual giving drive.
When letters go out to our families, friends and other potential donors, we include up to date information about the school that includes:
annual demographics about our student body
recent events and field trips
the school’s current short term goals and needs
a list of our many accomplishments
contact information
Our graduates are now in high school and college. Willow is proud that our private school has been able to see its graduates consistently rank in the top 10 of their high school classes and able to enter prestigious colleges of their choices.
In addition to soliciting donations with our annual giving letters, we also hope to educate people locally and nationwide about The Willow School and how this private school program is distinctly different from many others across the country. Our program has a proven track record and we see the difference our school makes to children every day.
If you would like to receive this mailing or you know someone who would, please contact our office or E-mail the name and address to our office.
Corporate Sponsorship
Our Corporate Partners make up a most important part of our school community – they contribute expertise and financial resources that enrich the educational experience of all our students in what we consider the best private school in Vero Beach.
Our Corporate Partners underwrite the costs of presenting programs, organizing events and ensuring that our annual fund raising campaign reaches its goals. In return, our sponsors also receive generous tax deductions. We are grateful for all that our Corporate Partners do, and ask our families to support them also. If you would like to become a Corporate Sponsor or need more information about the best private school program in Vero Beach, please call our office or E-mail us at info@thewillowschool.org.
A List of our Current Corporate Sponsors includes:
Barkett & Kenney, Inc., 2147 10th Ave., Vero Beach
Beachland Millwork, 525 2nd Street SW, Vero Beach
Dillard’s of Vero Beach
Faith, Hope & Chocolate, 2102 Indian River Blvd #108, Vero Beach
Gould Cooksey Fennell, P.A.979 Beachland Blvd., Vero Beach
The Home Depot, 1885 58th Ave., Vero Beach
Murphy & Walker, P.L., 2001 U.S. Highway 1, Vero Beach
Parent Construction, Inc., 612 Beachland Blvd., Vero Beach
Proctor Construction Co.,2050 US Hwy. 1, Ste 200, Vero Beach
Seacoast Bank, 6030 20th Street, Vero Beach
Sassy Boutique, 3375 Ocean Drive., Vero Beach
Treasure Chest Services, 702 Silver Shores Rd., Vero Beach
You can also support The Willow School with financial donations.